In this section, we have included details about the agreement between the users of our website and us. We assume that our customers and visitors will follow the terms of use and follow all the policies of  The Refund and Exchange Policy and Privacy Policy are also part of the Terms and Conditions

Echo Leather reserves the right to change and update these policies and terms, from time to time, without any prior notice. 

Intellectual Property Rights Disclaimer

All the content on the website, including design, logos, images, descriptions, clips, etc., is the exclusive property of Trademark and Copyright laws protect this website, and the use of our content, images, or any other data, is not allowed under any circumstances. 
People who visit our website cannot publish, change, reproduce, sell, upload or distribute any content available on this website. They are not allowed to use the whole or any part of our data for personal use or economic benefits. 

Website Content

The authorities of reserve all the rights to change, update or create any information on the website. It can be related to images of the products, descriptions of the products, any other content, or price at any time. The content can be modified at any time, even after the placement of the order. But if the client is not satisfied with the modifications, he/she can return or exchange the product according to the return and exchange policy. 

Terms Of Sale

When a customer places an order, we take the following steps:

  • We store the personal information of the customer for the processing of the order.
  • Our merchant providers check the financial details of the customer. We do not store details about the transactions and credit/debit cards. 
  • The product is manufactured and customized according to the requirements of the client.
  • We ship the product within the given time. 

We reserve the right to refuse the processing of any order with or without any reason. The reason can be the maintenance of the website, non-availability of the material, problems in payment processing, and problems in the description. If we come across a suspicious transaction or the customer's behavior is intolerable, we can refuse the processing of the order.


For the ease of our customers, we accept payments in three different currencies, the US dollar, the British pound, and the Euro. 
We encourage our clients to pay in these currencies. However, if you want to pay in your local currency, choose one of these currencies, and the card provider will charge you in your local currency according to the applicable forex exchange rates. 
We have the right to change the prices of the product at any time. We also reserve the right to add a discount to the price of any product or to end the sale at any time. 

Taxes and Import Duties

Import duties and taxes are not included in the prices of our products. Payment of duties is the responsibility of the buyer. Check our shipping and delivery section for further details. 

Links To Other Websites

Our website may contain links, which we do not own. So, we are not responsible for the content on those websites. Moreover, we do not endorse any of those websites. 

Visitors' Reviews, Ratings, or Feedback

The comments, suggestions, reviews, and ratings, that our customers and visitors sent us, are the property of Echo Leather. We have the right to use them in any way. We are not obliged to pay for any such information. We have the right not to respond to any of this information. 
When a user or visitor sends us the content, he agrees that

  • His age is above 13 years. 
  • Whatever he says is his point of view. 
  • His content is as per our terms and conditions and is not harmful to any person or thing. 
  • The comments of the visitors should not breach third-party rights. It can be privacy rights, copyright, trademark, etc. 
  • They should agree that comments will not be abusive, offensive, or unlawful. 
  • The user will be responsible for his comments. 

No Waiver

If someone violates these terms and we choose not to take any action, it does not mean we are ignoring the matter. We reserve the right to take action against anyone who violates the terms, at any time. 

He/His: This pronoun in this document shall apply to all genders, including males and females.

The following policies are also part of the Terms and Conditions:

Refund & Exchange Policy
Privacy Policy